
無奈 cyy

二十分鐘前 cyy 透過 mailing list 寄來的信:

Title: a rule for the class

In recent classes, I found that some students talked loudly in the class. It is very disturbing to both me and your classmates. Many times, I tried to stop you by stopping talking or talking louder. But, it did not seem to work.

I can understand why students sleep in my class because they can't sleep well elsewhere. But, I really can't understand why you want to sit in the class just for chatting with your classmates since I have promised that I won't do roll call in the class. For now on, if you come to the class, please show respect to me and your classmates and do not talk in the class. I really meant it. Sleeping in the class is still allowed. I know that you just can't help it. Thanks a lot.


cyy 式的幽默 XD。

Blogger yen312/11/2006 3:22 pm 說:



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