

在 Haskell community 的 quote page 看到的,給某人做參考 XD:

sig seen on usenet :

.:[ dave benjamin: ramen/[sp00] -:- spoomusic.com -:- ramenfest.com ]:.
:  please talk to your son or daughter about parametric polymorphism. :

In the spirit of the above quote:

"But I don't _want_ functional programming!"
-- Sarah Peyton Jones, age 11, upon hearing the rules of Go

寓意:11 歲太晚了,要及早教育!XD 那一頁還有好多很好笑的 quotes XD。

Haskell community 真溫暖 XD。

喔,有 Oleg 耶!

<shapr> Oleg will do something terrifying like implementing type
        checking in tcp/ip checksums on the router level through some
        emergent property of BGP and he'll do it all with HSP!

描述得真是太逼真了 XD。


Blogger yen37/24/2008 4:59 am 說:


Blogger Josh Ko7/24/2008 7:49 am 說:

富含理性智慧的快樂童年 XD。


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