

雖然偷看結局是不好的行為,不過昨天還是翻到 Stoy 正文的最後一頁。左邊是一幅全書意念圖 "Semantic Bridge":

我現在還在橋左邊的底端慢慢往上爬,連 P_omega 都還沒到 XD。Stoy 的最後一段:

Much work remains to be done. In places this scheme of things is still very messy, sometimes because of the unwieldiness of existing languages, and sometimes because we have not yet found the ideal way of expressing some of our concepts. But perhaps this system of denotational semantics may provide the basis of a coherent and unified theory of "how to compute the computable", and thus help in the task of increasing the usefulness of computers and their programmers.

經典!完美!這不起立鼓掌是不行的!雖然我懷疑稍後 cpos 取代了 lattices 成為 domain theory 研究的主軸(這還要問問看莊老師),可是衝著 Stoy 如此具啟發性而且動人的文筆,我一定要讀完這本書!

