

昨天 scm 老師正式升級為 scm 爸爸!scm 老師昨天的 access pattern 有點異常,早上 11 點多竟然還在家裡,我想說 scm 老師應該不會為了看棒球待在家裡啊 XD。後來一直到我睡前,scm 老師再也沒出現過,於是

Josh Ko says: (下午 11:05:43)
  今天 scm 好像沒去上班 XD
Josh Ko says: (下午 11:05:48)
  我懷疑他生了 XD
blueforest /* programming limitation */ says: (下午 11:06:54)
Josh Ko says: (下午 11:07:03)
  差不多吧,八月中 XD
剛剛睡醒(XD)開信箱就看到 "Baby!",證實了我的猜測 XD。

所以我終於可以送出我準備好久的禮物啦!首先是一集《黃金勇者》,標題〈誕生 帶子勇者〉,敘述主角機旅行途中意外得到四個小孩的故事。下面是他知道自己是四個孩子的爸爸時的表情 XD。

再來是 Eric Clapton 2005 年的個人專輯《Back Home》的第一首歌〈So Tired〉,用輕鬆的旋律地描繪爸爸的工作和心情 XD。

Get up in the morning already yawning and I'm so tired
I Ain't had a wink of sleep seems like all week
We're So tired
The Baby's only feeding and one of them is teething
They're So tired
They get up before the dawn I don't know how we carry on
We're so tired

Thank God their mama is a natural
She knows exactly what to do
And as for me I think I'd go insane
I just wouldn't have a clue

You know we try to do our best
Just don't get no rest
We're so tired
Would do it all again you can bet your life my friend
But I'm So tired
Bomp ba da da da da da
We're So tired So Tired
Bomp ba da da da da da
So tired So tired

Just can't wait til the sun goes down and all the kids have gone to bed
Trying to sleep you know but sleep won't come
With all the stuff goin through my head

Well its play group on thursday Music class on Friday, I'm so tired
And Now Mamas getting snappy
Daddy won't change no messy
And I'm so tired
Bomp ba da da da da da
So tired
Bomp ba da da da da da
So tired

Sometime I think I'll just go on to bed
I must have better things to do
When Its time to get my good night kiss
My dreams have all come true
Bomp ba da da da da da
So Tired
Bomp ba da da da da da
So tired
So tired... So tired
So tired... So tired
So tired... So tired
So tired... So tired

好了,惡搞結束 XD。接下來是 Celine Dion 的〈Miracle〉,收錄在同名專輯內。聽 Celine Dion 深情唱出她對孩子的愛!

You're my life's one miracle
Everything I've done that's good
And you break my heart with tenderness
And I confess it's true
I never knew a love like this 'til you

You're the reason I was born
Now I finally know for sure
And I'm overwhelmed with happiness
So blessed to hold you close
The one that I love most
Though the future has so much for you in store
Who could ever love you more

The nearest thing to heaven
You're my angel from above
Only God creates such perfect love

When you smile AT me I cry
And to save your life I'd die
With a romance that is pure in heart
You are my dearest part
Whatever it requires
I live for your desires
Forget my own, your needs will come before
Who could ever love you more

There is nothing you could ever do
To make me stop loving you
And every breath I take
Is always for your sake
You sleep inside my dreams
And know for sure
Who could ever love you more

最後壓軸的是 Yen3 送的張懸〈寶貝〉,清脆的嗓音搭配撩人心弦的吉他伴奏,是絕佳的搖籃曲!

我的寶貝 寶貝
我的小鬼 小鬼


我的寶貝 寶貝
我的小鬼 小鬼

嘩啦啦啦啦啦 我的寶貝
唉呀呀呀呀呀 我的寶貝

嘩啦啦啦啦啦 我的寶貝
唉呀呀呀呀呀 我的寶貝

嘩啦啦啦啦啦 我的寶貝
唉呀呀呀呀呀 我的寶貝


臨時追加一段五天前的對話節錄 XD:

Josh Ko says: (下午 11:19:35)
  以後他要抱著小孩 meeting 了 XD
Josh Ko says: (下午 11:19:53)
  然後 meeting 到一半大家就暫停去哄他的小孩 XD
Josh Ko says: (下午 11:20:19)
  上小學就可以跟爸爸一起發 paper 了 XD
Josh Ko says: (下午 11:20:42)
  Shin-Cheng Mu, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
  X-X Mu, X-X Elementary School, Taiwan

總之恭喜 scm 老師成功升級!

我猜一段時間不會有 meeting 了?XD


Blogger yen38/14/2008 12:12 pm 說:




Anonymous Anonymous8/15/2008 4:35 am 說:


原來你會看 access 記錄呀?我以前一直以為我算是在偷看,原來...



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