

早上八點多與同宿舍的同學會合吃早餐,逛了天瓏和三民書局。在天瓏時先搜尋「要買的四本書」的位置,原定是三本:《Introduction to the Theory of Computation, 2/e》,《Mastering Regular Expressions, 2/e》、《Java Concurrency in Practice》,但因昨日獲悉 John Vlissides 的死訊,決定多買一本《Patterrn Hatching》紀念之。

之後到車站與清大同學會合,回到天瓏斜對面的拉麵店吃中餐。吃完後領錢重返天瓏,準備開殺戒 :P。不過在下手前,又逛了一會,突然看到一個吸引人的 title《Programming the Universe》,第一章第一段立時引起我的共鳴:

This book is the story of the universe and the bit. The universe is the biggest thing there is and the bit is the smallest possible chunk of information. The universe is made of bits. Every molecule, atom, and elementary particle registers bits of information. Every interaction between those pieces of the universe processes that information by altering those bits. That is, the universe computes, adn because the universe is governed by the laws of quantum mechanics, it computes in an intrinsically quantum-mechanical fashion; its bits are quantum bits. The history of the universe is, in effect, a huge and ongoing quantum computation. The universe is a quantum computer.

書中內容從量子力學的基本原理到混沌理論與複雜理論都有相關敘述(in terms of quantum computation),整本書的論調看起來不像天馬行空。於是我掙扎了,經過一番精算,如果再加上這一本,會非常逼近花費上限。最後決定暫且擱置《Pattern Hatching》和《Java Concurrency in Practice》,先買下與計算相關的《Introduction to the Theory of Computation, 2/e》、《Mastering Regular Expressions, 2/e》(regex 可算是計算理論的一項直接應用 XD)和《Programming the Universe》 ─ 因為這學期就是想了解計算的本質。

下午回到宿舍睡午覺,睡前翻了翻《Introduction to the Theory of Computation, 2/e》,發現文字讀起來果然輕鬆不拗口,好極了!不過還只在數學複習的部份,尚未進入全書三個主題的第一個主題 ─ 自動機(automata)。

睡完午覺和同學到台科大吃晚餐,回來後把桌面的線稍微整理,空間配置變得稍微好一點。(桌面下的線我無能為力了 XD。)

The universe computes itself.

Blogger yen39/07/2006 3:33 pm 說:



Blogger yen39/07/2006 3:35 pm 說:



Blogger Fall9/08/2006 8:52 am 說:


怎麼又多出2000了 見鬼拉!


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