

顯然 Leibniz 也是個 computer scientist!請看聰明的文章(ext-link):

他在 1666 年(當時 20 歲)寫出《組合學的藝術》(Art of combinatorics)之論文。在前言中他預測這門新知識可以延拓應用到邏輯、歷史、倫理學、形上學,乃至整個科學。他又說:

假設我們可以用一些基本的字來表達人類的思想,因此可以想像有一系列的字,各代表了簡單的概念,那麼任何複雜的概念都可以用這些字組合起來。從而奇妙的「發明術」(the Art of invention)就變成可能了:即所有可能的概念與命題都可以機械地產生。據此我們不但可以探討已知,而且也可以追尋未知,進一步從事更深刻的研究。

Leibniz 也夢想著要建立一套普遍的數學,他稱之為「Characteristica Universalis」,使得思想也可以化約成計算。他解釋說:


Leibniz 對於發明術一直深感興趣,他說:



上面的描述完美呼應 Knuth 在 DDJ interview 時所講的這段:

There were computers in the 19th century, the 17th century... I imagine there are computer scientists in the pygmy forest. I haven’t really carried this out as an experiment, but I imagine that people may not have machines but one in fifty of them, wherever you go, has this profile, this ability. I’m not a sociologist, nor an anthropologist, but reading publications, reading literature, I can sense how much people think like I do, even if they were writing from a different century.

我最想做的事情幾乎就是 Leibniz 的夢想了。當然,在二十世紀數學與邏輯的發展下,我們發現通往這個夢想的路困難重重、荊棘遍佈,幾乎令人絕望。其實我不敢相信這樣的一條路存在,只能「希望」它存在 XD。

難怪 Gödel 要崇拜 Leibniz XD。

補充另一個例子。這次是 Robert E. Tarjan 的 ACM Turing Award Lecture 裡面的一段:

I graduated from CalTech in June 1969 with a B.S. in mathematics, determined to pursue a Ph.D., but undecided about whether it should be in mathematics or computer science. I finally decided in favor of computer science and enrolled as a graduate student at Stanford in the fall. I thought that as a computer scientist I could use my mathematical skills to solve problems of more immediate practical interest than the problems posed in pure mathematics. I hoped to do research in artificial intelligence, since I wished to understand the way reasoning, or at least mathematical reasoning, works. But my course adviser at Stanford was Don Knnth, and I think he had other plans for my future: His first advice to me was to read Volume 1 of his book, The Art of Computer Programming.

當然我不知道 Knuth 拿 TAOCP 給 Tarjan 看的動機是什麼,不過應該是因為這樣,使得後來 Tarjan 做的工作和他踏入 CS 的初衷之間有點距離 XD。


Blogger yen33/31/2007 5:25 pm 說:


Blogger Fall4/01/2007 3:33 am 說:

學長的computer scientist 定義為何呀?! XD

Blogger Josh Ko4/01/2007 4:03 am 說:

"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean --- neither more nor less." XD


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