


  1. What is Cartesian skepticism about empirical knowledge? Why is it a problem of underdetermination? According to you, can Cartesian skepticism be solved? If yes, how? If not, why?
  2. Compare Agrippan skepticism and Cartesian skepticism regarding their similarities and differences, e.g., their arguments, conclusions, structures, scopes, and how serious they are, etc. According to you, which one is more threatening or persuasive? How would you respond to it?
  3. What is Direct Realism with regard to the relation between perceptual experience and the external world? What is the Argument from Illusion against direct realism (including the first and the second stage)? According to your evaluation, how successful is the argument?
  4. According to you, what is the relation between experience and empirical beliefs about the world? Can perceptual experience provide justification and knowledge? If yes, how? If not, why? Give an example to support your view.
  5. What is foundationalism regarding the structure of justification? Present an argument for foundationalism. Present an argument against foundationalism. According to your evaluation, can foundationalism be defended?
  6. What is coherentism regarding the structure of justification? Present an argument for coherentism. Present an argument against coherentism. According to your evaluation, can coherentism be defended?

題目都不好答,因為這次梁老師要我們表達自己的立場,提出自己的論證和例子,把思路有條理地鋪陳出來。這不是容易的事,因為涉及的問題都是關於「懷疑論」或「回應懷疑論的理論」這種很難處理的議題。甚至第四題就直接問我們對「經驗」和「經驗性的知識」之間關連的看法,這得把下半學期的材料全部融會之後形成自己的一套說詞。當然梁老師也不是叫我們真的去解 Cartesian skepticism(那是博士論文做的事情!),只要我們提出方向,稍微描述一下論證大概會長什麼樣子就行了,所以不算強人所難。

接下來大概每隔兩、三天我會試著寫一題在 blog 上。我已經滿習慣這樣的發表形態了,這樣做可能會寫得比較好 XD。

像貼上來以後就會多看幾次然後塗塗改改 XD。


Anonymous Anonymous4/05/2009 2:34 pm 說:



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