

用極快的速度翻過 Levine 的書,發現比想像中還澀 XD。往 CS:APP 一找,果然有專門負責 Linking 的部份,而且是一整章,這實在是好消息 XD。該章最後的 Bibliographic Notes(是的,我想看看有沒有比較不澀的專書 XD)如是說:

Linking is not well documented in the computer systems literature. Since it lies at the intersection of compilers, computer architecture, and operating systems, linking requires understanding of code generation, machine language programming, program instantiation, and virtual memory. It does not fit neatly into any of the usual computer systems specialties and thus is not well covered by the classic texts in these areas.

COD:HSI 的 appendix A 也有兩個小節處理 linking & loading ─ 不過總共只有兩頁多一點 XD。或許我應該先把 CS:APP 整本好好讀一遍再試著讀 Levine XD。

翻過 Levine 的另一個感想:C++ 真是 troublemaker XD。

Debugger 的處境似乎更慘 XD。
