今天開始整理家當,最惹人厭的還是那堆書 XD。儘管到大三大四愈來愈少買書,但書似乎就是有辦法暗渡陳倉把書架擠得滿滿的,氾濫到桌上、床上和櫃子上。簡單列一下:
- C++ Template Metaprogramming
- C++ Templates 全覽
- 深度探索 C++ 物件模型
- STL 源碼剖析
- Hacker's Delight
- Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications
- Design Patterns
- MMIXware
- Programming the Universe
- 遊藝黑白(上下兩冊)
- 沒有時間的世界
- 東坡樂府編年箋注
- Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
- 人月神話
- 駭客與畫家
- 老子四種
- 悲慘世界(全五冊)
- Principles of Mathematical Analysis
- Linear Algebra
- A Course in Probability Theory
- Introduction to the Theory of Computation
- Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computataion
- Selected Papers on Computer Science
- The Art of Computer Programming (Vol. 1--3 + Fasc. 1)
- Introduction to Algorithms
- Concrete Mathematics
- Denotational Semantics
- Algebra of Programming
- Introduction to Functional Programming using Haskell
- Real World Haskell
- Proceedings of MPC 2008
- Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
- Types and Programming Languages
- Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective
- Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach
- Operating System Principles
- Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools
- The C Programming Language
- The C++ Programming Language
- The Design and Evolution of C++
- C++ Primer(英文版和中文版)
- The TeXbook
- LaTeX: A Document Preparation System
- The LaTeX Companion
- Digital Typography
- Elements of Information Theory
- Programming Ruby
- Calculus
- Programming in the UNIX Environment
- 借我一生
- Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach
- The LaTeX Graphics Companion
- 數學的發現趣談
- 余秋雨台灣演講
- 山居筆記
- 精通 vi
- 蘇菲的世界(上下兩冊)
- 數學拾貝
- Programming Pearls 中文版
- 哲學概論
- 物理之美
- 北宋儒學
- 量子重力
- lex & yacc
- The JFC Swing Tutorial
敏捷軟體開發 - Computer Organization and Design
- Concepts of Programming Languages
- Effective C++ 中文版
- Mastering Regular Expressions
- 時間線
- 易經讀本
Labels: 雜記
我要,伸 !
有將近一半重疊耶. XD
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