

今天開始整理家當,最惹人厭的還是那堆書 XD。儘管到大三大四愈來愈少買書,但書似乎就是有辦法暗渡陳倉把書架擠得滿滿的,氾濫到桌上、床上和櫃子上。簡單列一下:

  1. C++ Template Metaprogramming
  2. C++ Templates 全覽
  3. 深度探索 C++ 物件模型
  4. STL 源碼剖析
  5. Hacker's Delight
  6. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications
  7. Design Patterns
  8. MMIXware
  9. Programming the Universe
  10. 遊藝黑白(上下兩冊)
  11. 沒有時間的世界
  12. 東坡樂府編年箋注
  13. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  14. 人月神話
  15. 駭客與畫家
  16. 老子四種
  17. 悲慘世界(全五冊)
  18. Principles of Mathematical Analysis
  19. Linear Algebra
  20. A Course in Probability Theory
  21. Introduction to the Theory of Computation
  22. Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computataion
  23. Selected Papers on Computer Science
  24. The Art of Computer Programming (Vol. 1--3 + Fasc. 1)
  25. Introduction to Algorithms
  26. Concrete Mathematics
  27. Denotational Semantics
  28. Algebra of Programming
  29. Introduction to Functional Programming using Haskell
  30. Real World Haskell
  31. Proceedings of MPC 2008
  32. Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
  33. Types and Programming Languages
  34. Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective
  35. Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach
  36. Operating System Principles
  37. Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools
  38. The C Programming Language
  39. The C++ Programming Language
  40. The Design and Evolution of C++
  41. C++ Primer(英文版和中文版)
  42. The TeXbook
  43. LaTeX: A Document Preparation System
  44. The LaTeX Companion
  45. Digital Typography
  46. Elements of Information Theory
  47. Programming Ruby
  48. Calculus
  49. Programming in the UNIX Environment
  50. 借我一生
  51. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach
  52. The LaTeX Graphics Companion
  53. 數學的發現趣談
  54. 余秋雨台灣演講
  55. 山居筆記
  56. 精通 vi
  57. 蘇菲的世界(上下兩冊)
  58. 數學拾貝
  59. Programming Pearls 中文版
  60. 哲學概論
  61. 物理之美
  62. 北宋儒學
  63. 量子重力
  64. lex & yacc
  65. The JFC Swing Tutorial 敏捷軟體開發
  66. Computer Organization and Design
  67. Concepts of Programming Languages
  68. Effective C++ 中文版
  69. Mastering Regular Expressions
  70. 時間線
  71. 易經讀本
聰明的人就應該買一台書本掃描器(e.g., Plustek OpticBook 4600)和電子書閱讀器(e.g., Amazon Kindle DX, iRex Digital Reader 1000S)呀 XD。



Blogger yen36/21/2009 9:48 am 說:

我要,伸 !

Blogger Unknown6/21/2009 10:02 am 說:

有將近一半重疊耶. XD


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