[facebook digest] Two weeks in Oxford
- My academic advisor is Ralf Hinze!! [2010-09-27 18:04:33 +0100]
- W************ ⇒ 你是明天出發? [2010-09-27 18:05:31 +0100]
- Josh Ko ⇒ 已經變成今天了,照表訂時間的話是八小時又二十分鐘後起飛 XD。 [2010-09-27 18:06:42 +0100]
- W************ ⇒ 慢走啊~ 所以下次見到你不知道是甚麼時候XD [2010-09-27 18:07:17 +0100]
- Josh Ko ⇒ 順利的話應該明年暑假吧 XD。 [2010-09-27 18:09:01 +0100]
- W************ ⇒ 多上傳一些照片啊 實在是沒出過國XD [2010-09-27 18:09:54 +0100]
- Josh Ko ⇒ 敬請期待 XD。 [2010-09-27 18:23:28 +0100]
- The flight was just announced to delay for an hour.. [2010-09-28 01:56:24 +0100]
- Josh Ko ⇒ 還剛好和台北專程趕下來的 Weijin & God 錯過。沒輒⋯ [2010-09-28 02:05:48 +0100]
- 王** ⇒ !!! 你在機場上網
wish u a pleasant flight!! [2010-09-28 04:00:49 +0100] - T************** ⇒ QQ [2010-09-28 05:50:38 +0100]
- L************** ⇒ 颱風天才延遲半小時,這次延一個小時?XD [2010-09-28 06:00:18 +0100]
- P******** ⇒ 應該是銘G發功所致 [2010-09-28 11:05:44 +0100]
- 施** ⇒ 這樣也被你猜出來了= = [2010-09-28 13:06:31 +0100]
- L************** ⇒ 結果到 Heathrow airport 還是準時抵達嘛。 [2010-09-28 18:50:55 +0100]
- L************** ⇒ 不知道能不能開個賭盤,看什麼時候會到宿舍 ...估計是 2000 左右。 [2010-09-28 18:52:31 +0100]
- Josh Ko ⇒ I went to bed at about 8:20PM last night, so your estimation is quite accurate. XD (just gained access to a public computer) [2010-09-29 10:59:50 +0100]
- Latest announcement: boarding in ten minutes. [2010-09-28 02:19:49 +0100]
[ 2 人說讚!]
- V********* ⇒ have a safe journey! [2010-09-28 02:43:38 +0100]
- 餓了,先去 buttery 冒險一下再說 XD。 [2010-09-29 12:24:47 +0100]
[ 2 人說讚!]
- 王** ⇒ 我要吃巴特理爆漿餐包!! [2010-09-29 12:30:39 +0100]
- Josh Ko ⇒ 自助式,拿一碗沙拉、一盤洋蔥番茄牛肉飯(或飯狀的東西)和一杯蘋果汁,£3.97。吃到後來好鹹,有點痛苦 XD。 [2010-09-29 13:12:10 +0100]
- 王** ⇒ ..... [2010-09-29 13:16:59 +0100]
- W********* ⇒ "或飯狀的東西"XD [2010-09-29 15:22:56 +0100]
- 房間好熱,幸好窗戶打開就有冷氣了,可是現在在下雨沒法打太開⋯ [2010-09-29 13:14:30 +0100]
- Clarendon scholars get 20% off Oxford University Press books! [2010-09-29 19:54:11 +0100]
- L************** ⇒ But! It is still ridiculously expensive! [2010-09-29 21:05:25 +0100]
- J******** ⇒ What about buy the book on internet?? Is that cheaper in UK?? [2010-09-30 01:46:56 +0100]
- 先去印 enrolment certificate, 然後到 **隔壁間** Examination Schools 參加新生說明會。 [2010-09-30 08:28:21 +0100]
- is nearly exhausted after the social hours. However he chatted with people from Italy, Dubai, India, Cyprus, and of course China. [2010-09-30 20:57:46 +0100]
[ 2 人說讚!]
- Josh Ko ⇒ And his English mechanism somehow broke down spectacularly halfway through the social hours. Fortunately the second half was mostly in Chinese. [2010-09-30 21:02:01 +0100]
- 王** ⇒ 用第三人稱看起來好奇怪喔XD [2010-10-01 02:08:52 +0100]
- 施** ⇒ is surprised by the broken down of Josh Ko's English mechanism @@ [2010-10-01 06:51:55 +0100]
- hopes he will be able to write up his first blog post after he came to Oxford tomorrow morning. [2010-09-30 21:24:52 +0100]
- 天真地在五點前幾分鐘才到銀行(五點到七點銀行加班專門幫國際學生開戶),一面大大的手寫立牌擋在那裡說「今天國際學生開戶人數已滿嘍~」,鎩羽而歸。下週一中午就去排隊? [2010-10-01 17:48:18 +0100]
[ 1 人說讚!]
- 王** ⇒ XD [2010-10-01 17:49:29 +0100]
- 翁** ⇒ 要存錢嗎??我的帳戶借你存錢!!只進不出喔XDD [2010-10-01 17:52:23 +0100]
- 做了點會計工作。從皮包找到最後一便士後,確定沒丟掉錢。
Just done some accounting. Confirmed not a penny is lost after locating a stay one in the wallet. [2010-10-01 19:16:23 +0100]- Josh Ko ⇒ s/stay/stray/ [2010-10-01 19:27:19 +0100]
- 在報表上加了一欄「經常門或資本門」,「食衣住行育樂」的欄位叫做「科目」。 [2010-10-01 19:36:16 +0100]
- 翁** ⇒ 要蓋科目章! [2010-10-02 06:19:55 +0100]
- 沒有審計人員會來查我帳,支出憑證應該不用留吧 XD。 [2010-10-01 20:03:41 +0100]
- 翁** ⇒ 為符合會計查帳程序!相關帳冊請保留5年XD [2010-10-02 06:18:57 +0100]
- 房間超級亂,該來收一下了。 [2010-10-02 08:03:38 +0100]
- 翁** ⇒ 禮拜五內務檢查!!要評分的!! [2010-10-02 09:37:51 +0100]
- 目前歸納結果:Oxford 是一天下雨一天出大太陽。今天是太陽日,超適合出遊,而確實待會要和新朋友出去逛,Liang-Ting 中午也會來,下午一起撐篙。 [2010-10-02 09:54:09 +0100] [ 3 人說讚!]
- 「滂舟」不容易⋯ [2010-10-02 21:09:53 +0100]
[ 1 人說讚!]
- L************** ⇒ It's a tough day. [2010-10-03 00:46:08 +0100]
- 最近愛上〈船歌〉了。在 Zimerman 那張演奏會 DVD 裡那是〈幻想曲〉的下一首。
I have been fascinated by Chopin's Barcarolle (Op 60) recently. In Zimerman's recital DVD it comes just after Fantaisie (Op 49). [2010-10-02 21:42:47 +0100] [ 1 人說讚!] - just ran away from another intense social event. Why does everyone have to be so tall and speak so fast? [2010-10-03 16:53:19 +0100]
- Josh Ko ⇒ Nevertheless it was good to meet people from other disciplines who are willing to explain. (Of course if they speak more slowly it would be even better. XD) [2010-10-03 16:56:37 +0100]
- Josh Ko ⇒ Perhaps I shouldn't blame myself too much for not being able to understand others fully in such a noisy environment that everyone actually had to shout to make others hear oneself. [2010-10-03 17:01:28 +0100]
- 王** ⇒ Pardon? XD [2010-10-03 18:39:57 +0100]
- Biggest news: it is confirmed that the music room at Univ has a piano! (And there seem to be someone owning a Steinway that can be played on request. A Steinway!) [2010-10-03 17:21:27 +0100] [ 2 人說讚!]
- Bank account finally opened!! [2010-10-04 19:07:56 +0100]
[ 1 人說讚!]
- 王** ⇒ then u could remit to me all ur deposit XD [2010-10-05 02:48:49 +0100]
- Comlab is just maze-like. [2010-10-04 20:42:19 +0100] [ 3 人說讚!]
- 進入新的階段,開始囤積食物了(但還只是微波食物)。
Entering a new phase in which (microwave) food gets stored. [2010-10-06 08:13:27 +0100]- 賴* ⇒ 三杯枕頭要嗎? [2010-10-06 08:24:56 +0100]
- Josh Ko ⇒ 有點怪 XD。 [2010-10-06 08:27:49 +0100]
- 賴* ⇒ 清珍呢?! [2010-10-06 08:35:21 +0100]
- Josh Ko ⇒ 毛毛的很怪,沒毛又不像枕頭 XD。 [2010-10-06 08:38:43 +0100]
- 賴* ⇒ 他沒毛 就沒人要他了吧!!呵呵 [2010-10-06 08:42:24 +0100]
- 明信片還不太好寫⋯ [2010-10-06 09:46:12 +0100]
- still has difficulties following the faster speakers. [2010-10-06 11:49:14 +0100]
- is going for another shopping session. [2010-10-06 12:28:15 +0100]
- 王** ⇒ 感覺不出幾天你就可以把店裡的東西吃遍了XDD [2010-10-06 13:05:29 +0100]
- is getting more confident using the coins. [2010-10-06 14:06:41 +0100]
- W************ ⇒ 變得越來越有自信去使用硬幣? [2010-10-06 15:24:16 +0100]
- J******* ⇒ I always get rid of copper colored ones when I use tesco self-service :P [2010-10-06 15:30:18 +0100]
- Josh Ko ⇒ 因為硬幣有 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 便士(1 鎊和 2 鎊還挺好認就算了),大小又沒和面額呈正比,比方說 2 便士的超大一個,5 便士比 1 便士還小之類,一開始根本頭昏眼花沒辦法用 XD。 [2010-10-06 16:07:22 +0100]
- Josh Ko ⇒ 不過看到 Jerry 的提示後,現在似乎發現規則了:先看顏色,銅色比銀色小,金色最大;再看形狀,有角的比沒角的大;最後看大小。 [2010-10-06 16:12:19 +0100]
- just realised he forgot to buy wash powder, despite that he went back to Tesco for a second time just for that purpose (he bought tissues and a pile of copier paper instead). [2010-10-06 14:43:46 +0100]
- 翁** ⇒ 請附中文翻譯!謝謝!! [2010-10-06 15:17:29 +0100]
- Josh Ko ⇒ Sorry XD. 我發現我忘了買洗衣粉,雖然我因為想到我忘了買洗衣粉而折回去 Tesco(超市),結果第二次只買衛生紙和影印紙,就是沒買洗衣粉 XD。 [2010-10-06 16:04:43 +0100]
- C************ ⇒ Please meet more British girls! Then you can introduce some hot golden hair girls to us.....hahahahaha [2010-10-06 16:53:11 +0100]
- 翁** ⇒ abviously 振弘 is a 糟糕人!!!! [2010-10-06 23:46:35 +0100]
- just got back from the Master's Lodge concert. I now discover that people here do speak one language I am familiar with. [2010-10-06 20:17:38 +0100]
- wonders when he can play the Master's piano. [2010-10-06 20:41:38 +0100]
- Josh Ko ⇒ I just can't get my eyes off it! [2010-10-06 21:08:31 +0100]
- 賴* ⇒ 你戀愛了嗎? [2010-10-07 02:23:53 +0100]
- I now have my debit card! (Incredibly efficient!) [2010-10-07 17:44:59 +0100]
- 王** ⇒ so that u can do more shopping in their territory XD [2010-10-07 17:52:57 +0100]
- Josh Ko ⇒ I will have to spend most of my cash first, though. XD [2010-10-07 17:55:28 +0100]
- is now in Frank's suit, looking like a civilised man.
現在穿著 Frank 的西裝,顯得人模人樣。 [2010-10-07 18:33:49 +0100] [ 1 人說讚!]- 賴* ⇒ po photo~~~ [2010-10-08 01:22:09 +0100]
- R********** ⇒ NPNT [2010-10-08 03:58:00 +0100]
- Josh Ko ⇒ 等我拿到我自己的 suit 再照 XD。 [2010-10-08 08:24:44 +0100]
- 賴* ⇒ PP [2010-10-08 09:01:11 +0100]
- is really confused by the dress codes. (Formal but not black tie? What's that?) [2010-10-07 18:44:10 +0100]
[ 1 人說讚!]
- F********* ⇒ Hi Josh:
Next Saturday is our marticulation. We should take photos together. Miranda and I are going to dance 五佰's flower dance, wearing gown and martaboard cap. That must be very funny! Will you want to join us? [2010-10-07 22:19:09 +0100] - Josh Ko ⇒ I've done that in front of the Minister of the Interior this February, so I think I won't mind doing that again! XD [2010-10-07 22:25:15 +0100]
- Y********** ⇒ I can’t agree with you more that dress codes are really annoying. The dress code of graduate fresher’s dinner in Pembroke is “dressing smart.” I think I am not smart enough to understand what it refers to. [2010-10-08 10:31:56 +0100]
- F********* ⇒ Hi Josh:
- 軋支票還真複雜⋯ ↦ LloydsTSB - Clearing cycle [2010-10-08 11:23:23 +0100]
- A nice, free day extremely suitable for reading a wonderful paper (which is Ralf's Adjoint Folds & Unfolds). [2010-10-08 11:30:36 +0100]
- 王** ⇒ I prefer to read something else XD [2010-10-08 11:39:48 +0100]
- 一次洗衣加烘衣要兩鎊,是台大的五倍價!想改成晾衣省一鎊,可是好像沒地方掛晾衣繩⋯ [2010-10-09 11:35:06 +0100]
- 陳** ⇒ 我同學是晾在寢室,不過這樣的話,溼氣會很重Orz [2010-10-09 11:53:21 +0100]
- J******* ⇒ 買晾衣架如何? [2010-10-09 13:27:51 +0100]
- Josh Ko ⇒ 房間裡也沒地方放哩⋯ [2010-10-09 16:02:12 +0100]
- S********** ⇒ 留學生是很辛苦滴...很快您就會體會到了 :P [2010-10-09 20:31:14 +0100]
- J******** ⇒ 在房裡拉起曬衣繩!! XD [2010-10-09 23:48:14 +0100]
- 才三門課也會衝堂⋯ [2010-10-09 16:22:19 +0100]
- Josh Ko ⇒ There's a conflict in my course schedule even when I'm only taking 3 courses... [2010-10-09 16:38:55 +0100]
- J******* ⇒ 你打算一學期幹掉三門就對了...@@ [2010-10-09 20:38:30 +0100]
- Josh Ko ⇒ 因為衝堂,沒意外的話這學期只剩兩門了 XD。 [2010-10-09 21:46:29 +0100]
- hopes that taking a photo in subfusc and gown before matriculation is not too illegal. [2010-10-09 21:49:50 +0100]
- Josh Ko ⇒ Am I wearing everything in the right way? XD [2010-10-09 21:50:43 +0100]
- J******* ⇒ you look hot in subfusc and gown ;) [2010-10-09 21:53:06 +0100]
- T************** ⇒ 你喜歡穿這樣去採購 [2010-10-10 03:07:53 +0100]
- 王** ⇒ 小蝴蝶結有畫龍點睛之妙!!! [2010-10-10 03:48:19 +0100]
- Some group of people are singing excitedly outside my window. Well, it's fresher's week... [2010-10-09 22:25:38 +0100]
- C*********** ⇒ Well... I got police cars with noisy alarms rushing around every night. [2010-10-10 02:08:47 +0100]
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