
入學典禮 (Matriculation)

其實我到剛剛還是一頭霧水:我真的正式入學了嗎?今天天氣是完美的晴天,但氣溫是我到牛津以來最低的一次,幸好 "subfusc"(定義:黑西裝 + 白襯衫 + 黑襪黑鞋 + 白領結)和學袍(gown,一件披在身上後面長兩條尾巴的無袖黑色背心,正常研究生的學袍長度及膝)穿起來還算暖和。我們先在學院集合,簽名領一張編有自己名字的 3 of 9 條碼(我唯一認得的條碼型式 — 意思不是我讀得出來 XD),照個人照(側身四十五度、雙手捧著不能戴上的方帽(要畢業才能戴))和團體照(Radcliffe quadrangle(學院比較新那一半的四方形草地)架起高高的站台讓所有人分層站好,照完後將條碼依序回收,以便辨識團體照裡的每個人),然後進隔壁間 Examination Schools 的 North School 開始入學典禮。幾個學院(沒有全部)的人填滿房間後,校長(Vice-Chancellor)走進來和台下的一個代表用拉丁文對話幾句(但我看不到他們因為我站在後面),然後用英文發表歡迎詞並解釋入學典禮的意義,就結束了。但我那時候不知道已經結束,跟著想必是 St Catherine's College 的學生走回他們的學院,一心以為是前往下一個目的地。我跟著前人愈走愈偏僻心生狐疑,到了 St Catherine's 的現代建築看到人停下來聚成一團團聊天拍照,只能推斷我跟錯了。這下糟糕,剛剛走了那麼一大段路我幾乎沒在看,想回 Univ 都不知道走不走得回去。沒想到隨便憑印象走一下還真的走回我認識的 Broad Street,拿在手上備用的手機 Google Maps 沒派上什麼用場。Univ 裡也是一團團的人來來去去,毫無還有下一攤的感覺,我只好再次推斷我應該已經完成入學儀式了,回房間上網一查也好像沒錯。好像挺天兵的 XD。

I had been rather confused until just a moment ago: Have I matriculated? Today is perfectly sunny but also the coldest day since I arrived at Oxford. Fortunately I felt warm enough in subfusc and gown. We first assembled in the College, signed our names and got a 3 of 9 bar code (which is the only format of bar codes I can recognise - I'm not saying I can actually read the codes XD), took personal photos and group photos (after the group photos were taken the bar codes were collected in order so each person in the photos can be identified), and then went next door into the North School in the Examination Schools for Matriculation. Students from several (but not all) colleges fill in the room, the Vice-Chancellor walked in, exchanged a few Latin sentences with a representative (I could not see them, though, since I was standing at the back), and delivered an English speech welcoming all of us to the University and explaining the meaning of Matriculation. Then the ceremony was over, which I did not realise at the time. I followed other students who must be in St Catherine's to their college, thinking that I was heading for the next destination. I was forced to deduce I got lost after we reached St Catherine's and the students ahead stopped and formed groups chatting and taking photos. "This is bad," I told myself, because I did not pay attention to the route we took. Hoping to get back to Univ, I walked and turned with my vague memory, and miraculously I ended up on Broad Street, which I am familiar with. I had launched Google Maps on my phone but it was not necessary. People in Univ were also in groups and the atmosphere was relaxed, not showing the sign that there was a next event, so I was again forced to deduce that I have matriculated. And it did seem so after I made a check on the Internet back in my room. Rather stupid, I think I was today XD.

我還是覺得像是一齣真實上演的古裝劇 XD。

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